Amend CSHB 2497 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 4, line 11, between "prepare" and "a", insert "and produce".
(2)  On page 4, line 21, between "prepare" and "additional", insert "and produce".
(3)  On page 4, between lines 25 and 26, insert the following:
(d)  To the extent existing agency resources are available for this purpose, the Texas Education Agency may provide to the 1836 Project any agency resources necessary to prepare or produce a report described by this section.
(4)  On page 5, line 3, between the underlined period and "The", insert "(a)".
(5)  On page 5, line 5, strike "license." and substitute the following:
(1)  after applying under Section 521.144; or
(2)  with an expiration provided by Section 521.271(a-2) or (a-3).
(b)  The department shall make the pamphlet described by Section 451.005, Government Code, available to the public on the department's Internet website.