

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    December 29, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. RAJKUMAR -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Economic Development

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  cannabis  law and the penal law, in relation to
          forfeiture of property involved in the unlawful sale of cannabis

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "stop mari-
     2  juana  over-proliferation  and keep empty operators of unlicensed trans-
     3  actions (SMOKEOUT) act".
     4    § 2. Subdivision 8 of section 132 of the cannabis  law,  as  added  by
     5  section  17  of part UU of chapter 56 of the laws of 2023, is amended to
     6  read as follows:
     7    8. Any person who knowingly and unlawfully sells, gives, or causes  to
     8  be  sold  or given, in connection with the operation of a business or at
     9  the business location, any cannabis or cannabis products for  which  the
    10  sale  of such products requires a license, permit, or registration under
    11  this chapter [where such person owns and/or is  principally  responsible
    12  for the operation of a business where such products were sold, given, or
    13  caused  to  be  sold  or given] without having obtained a valid license,
    14  permit or registration therefor shall be guilty of a class  A  misdemea-
    15  nor.    A  municipality  shall have the authority to order the immediate
    16  closure of any business which is found to have violated  the  provisions
    17  of  this  section  and to seize any merchandise related to such unlawful
    18  sale including cannabis, cannabis  related  products,  tobacco,  tobacco
    19  related  products  and  any  proceeds  relating  thereto pursuant to the
    20  provisions of article four hundred fifty-five of the penal law. For  the
    21  purposes  of this section, "operation of a business" shall mean engaging
    22  in the sale of, or otherwise offering for sale, goods  and  services  to
    23  the general public, including through indirect retail sales.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8428                             2

     1    §  3.  The  title  heading  of  title W of part 4 of the penal law, as
     2  amended by chapter 920 of the laws  of  1969,  is  amended  to  read  as
     3  follows:
     7    §  4.  The penal law is amended by adding a new article 455 to read as
     8  follows:
     9                                  ARTICLE 455
    11                                  CANNABIS

    12  Section 455.00 Seizure and forfeiture of property involved in the unlaw-
    13                   ful sale of cannabis.
    14  § 455.00 Seizure and forfeiture of property  involved  in  the  unlawful
    15             sale of cannabis.
    16    1.  Any  property constituting the proceeds or substituted proceeds of
    17  an offense involving the unlawful or unlicensed sale  of  cannabis;  and
    18  any  property constituting an instrumentality of such offense, including
    19  real property, is subject to forfeiture pursuant to  this  article.  Any
    20  peace  officer, acting pursuant to the special duties of the peace offi-
    21  cer, or police officer of this state may seize any property involved  in
    22  the unlawful or unlicensed sale of cannabis.
    23    2.  The  seized  property  shall be delivered by the police officer or
    24  peace officer having made the seizure to the  custody  of  the  district
    25  attorney  of the county wherein the seizure was made, except that in the
    26  cities of New York, Yonkers and Buffalo, the seized  property  shall  be
    27  delivered to the custody of the police department of such cities togeth-
    28  er with a report of all the facts and circumstances of the seizure.
    29    3. It shall be the duty of the district attorney of the county wherein
    30  the  seizure  was  made,  if elsewhere than in the cities of New York or
    31  Buffalo, and where the seizure is made in either such city it  shall  be
    32  the  duty  of  the  corporation counsel of the city, to inquire into the
    33  facts of the seizure so reported to him or her and if it appears  proba-
    34  ble  that a forfeiture has been incurred, for the determination of which
    35  the institution of proceedings in the supreme  court  is  necessary,  to
    36  cause the proper proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted, at any time
    37  after  thirty days from the date of seizure, to declare such forfeiture,
    38  unless, upon inquiry and examination such district  attorney  or  corpo-
    39  ration   counsel  decides  that  such  proceedings  cannot  probably  be
    40  sustained or that the ends of public justice do not  require  that  they
    41  should be instituted or prosecuted, in which case, the district attorney
    42  or  corporation  counsel shall cause such seized property to be returned
    43  to the owner thereof.
    44    4. Notice of the institution of the  forfeiture  proceeding  shall  be
    45  served either (a) personally on the owners of the seized property or (b)
    46  by  registered mail to the owners' last known address and by publication
    47  of the notice once a week  for  two  successive  weeks  in  a  newspaper
    48  published or circulated in the county wherein the seizure was made.
    49    5.  Forfeiture  shall  not be adjudged where the owners established by
    50  preponderance of the evidence that the use of such seized  property  was
    51  not intentional on the part of any owner.
    52    6.  The  district  attorney or the police department having custody of
    53  the seized property, after such judicial  determination  of  forfeiture,
    54  shall,  by  a  public  notice of at least five days, sell such forfeited
    55  property at public sale; provided, however, that cannabis and  cannabis-

        A. 8428                             3

     1  infused  products  shall  not  be sold. Any cannabis or cannabis-infused
     2  products which have been determined to be subject to forfeiture shall be
     3  destroyed in accordance with regulations to be established by the  divi-
     4  sion  of the state police. The net proceeds of any permitted sale, after
     5  deduction of the lawful expenses incurred, shall be paid into the gener-
     6  al fund of the county wherein the seizure was made except that  the  net
     7  proceeds  of  the permitted sale of property seized in the cities of New
     8  York and Buffalo shall be paid into the respective general funds of such
     9  cities.
    10    7. Whenever any person interested in any property which is seized  and
    11  declared  forfeited  under  the  provisions of this section files with a
    12  justice of the supreme  court  a  petition  for  the  recovery  of  such
    13  forfeited  property,  the  justice of the supreme court may restore said
    14  forfeited property upon such terms and conditions as  he  or  she  deems
    15  reasonable and just, if the petitioner establishes the defense set forth
    16  in  subdivision five of this section and that the petitioner was without
    17  personal or actual knowledge of the forfeiture proceeding. If the  peti-
    18  tion  be filed after the sale of the forfeited property, any judgment in
    19  favor of the petitioner shall be limited to the  net  proceeds  of  such
    20  sale,  after  deduction of the lawful expenses and costs incurred by the
    21  district attorney, police department or corporation counsel.
    22    8. No suit or action under this section for wrongful seizure shall  be
    23  instituted  unless  such  suit  or  action is commenced within two years
    24  after the time when the property was seized.
    25    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.