SENATE, No. 2667







Sponsored by:


District 28 (Essex)






     Requires firearms purchaser identification card, permit to purchase handgun, or permit to carry handgun for use of firearm at firing range.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning firearms and supplementing Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    The legal owner of a handgun, rifle, or shotgun may use the handgun, rifle, or shotgun at a firing range operated by a licensed dealer, by a law enforcement agency, a legally recognized military organization, or a rifle or pistol club which has filed a copy of its charter with the superintendent and annually submits to the superintendent a list of its members for the sole purpose of target practice, trap or skeet shooting, or competition if the person holds and exhibits to the owner or operator of the firing range a firearms purchaser identification card, a permit to purchase a handgun, or a permit to carry a handgun.  The person shall also provide proof of identity in the form of a valid driver's license or other government-issued form of photo identification.


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill requires a person to have a firearms purchaser identification card, a permit to purchase a handgun, or a permit to carry a handgun in order to use a firearm at a firing range.

     Specifically, under the provisions of this bill, the legal owner of a handgun, rifle, or shotgun may use the firearm at a firing range for the purpose of target practice, trap or skeet shooting, or competition if the person has and exhibits to the owner or operator of the firing range a firearms purchaser identification card, a permit to purchase a handgun, or a permit to carry a handgun. 

     In addition, the person is required to provide proof of his or her identity in the form of a valid driver's license or other government-issued form of photo identification.

     According to the sponsor, the intent of this bill is to ensure the safety of patrons and personnel at firing ranges.  As current law does not require an owner of a firearm to be supervised while using the firearm at a firing range, unlike a person who rents or borrows a firearm at a firing range, it is necessary to ensure that the person has undergone a background check prior to using the firearm at the firing range by requiring the person to have and exhibit a firearms purchaser identification card, a permit to purchase a handgun, or a permit to carry a handgun.