ASSEMBLY, No. 2496






Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  JOSEPH CRYAN

District 20 (Union)


District 5 (Camden and Gloucester)






     Authorizes retired law enforcement officers to provide security in public schools.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning employment of retired law enforcement officers in public schools and amending N.J.S.18A:17-43.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    N.J.S.18A:17-43 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:17-43 (a) The commissioner may, in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this article and upon a finding of need therefor, authorize any board of education to employ, subject to the provisions of Title 11, Civil Service, of the Revised Statutes, one or more public school law enforcement officers, and to station such public school law enforcement officers in public schools of this state during hours when said public schools are normally in session or are occupied by public school students or their teachers.

     (b)   No such public school law enforcement officer shall be employed, except upon the application of a board of education and with the approval of the county superintendent.

     (c)   The commissioner may, in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this section, authorize any board of education to employ a retired law enforcement officer to provide security at a public school within the board's jurisdiction during hours when the public school is normally in session or when it is occupied by public school students or their teachers.  A retired law enforcement officer employed pursuant to this section shall be accorded full police powers while on the school premises or within 100 feet of the school if the officer:

     (1)   has retired from the law enforcement agency within five years of being hired by the board; and

     (2)   complies with the requirements set forth in subsection l. of N.J.S.2C:39-6 authorizing a retired law enforcement officer to carry a handgun.

     A retired law enforcement officer employed pursuant to this section shall wear an approved uniform while on duty.

     A retired law enforcement officer employed pursuant to this section shall not be eligible for enrollment in any State-administered retirement system based on this employment.

(cf: N.J.S.18A:17-43)


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.



     This bill would authorize a board of education to hire retired law enforcement officers for security purposes at public schools within its jurisdiction pursuant to regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

     These retired officers would work during hours when the public school is normally in session or when it is occupied by public school students or their teachers.

     Under the bill, these retired law enforcement officers would be accorded full police powers while on the school premises or within 100 feet of the school as long as they retired within five years of being hired by the board and they comply with requirements set forth authorizing retired law enforcement officers to carry handguns, including qualifying in the use of a handgun twice a year.

     A retired law enforcement officer employed would be required to wear an approved uniform while on duty under the bill.

     The bill specifically bars these retired law enforcement officers from receiving a pension based on this employment.