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16 total bills, 5 anti-gun bills,
5 pro-gun bills for this session
Proposed Nebraska Firearm Legislation

2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session

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note: Bills and resolutions introduced during the regular session in an odd-numbered year are held over for consideration during the regular session in an even-numbered year. Measures that are indefinitely postponed do not carry over.

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Title: Change provisions relating to the administration of justice

Description: Change provisions relating to the administration of justice

Last Action: Provisions/portions of LB521 amended into LB50 by AM1980

Last Action Date: June 1, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Impose an excise tax on the sale of ammunition and provide grant programs relating to post-traumatic stress disorder and wildlife management

Description: Impose an excise tax on the sale of ammunition and provide grant programs relating to post-traumatic stress disorder and wildlife management

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: August 20, 2024

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Provide for carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, change provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibit certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties

Description: Provide for carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, change provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibit certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties

Last Action: Approved by Governor on April 25, 2023

Last Action Date: April 25, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Adopt the Second Amendment Preservation Act

Description: Adopt the Second Amendment Preservation Act

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: April 18, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Require firearm dealers to provide information on suicide prevention and require training on suicide prevention under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act

Description: Require firearm dealers to provide information on suicide prevention and require training on suicide prevention under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act

Last Action: Provisions/portions of LB314 amended into LB50 by AM1796

Last Action Date: June 1, 2023

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Title: Interim study to examine the safe storage of firearms

Description: Interim study to examine the safe storage of firearms

Last Action: Referred to Judiciary Committee

Last Action Date: April 5, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Adopt the Suicide Risk Protection Order Act

Description: Adopt the Suicide Risk Protection Order Act

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: April 18, 2024

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Adopt the Investment Neutrality in Public Funds Act

Description: Adopt the Investment Neutrality in Public Funds Act

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: April 18, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibit possession of deadly weapons in the State Capitol or on State Capitol grounds

Description: Prohibit possession of deadly weapons in the State Capitol or on State Capitol grounds

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: April 18, 2024

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Title: Eliminate a requirement to obtain a handgun purchase certificate and change provisions on criminal history record checks for firearms and explosives

Description: Eliminate a requirement to obtain a handgun purchase certificate and change provisions on criminal history record checks for firearms and explosives

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: April 18, 2024

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Allow the use of tribal enrollment cards for proof of age and identity for certain firearm and alcohol laws

Description: Allow the use of tribal enrollment cards for proof of age and identity for certain firearm and alcohol laws

Last Action: Provisions/portions of LB923 amended into LB1288 by AM3096

Last Action Date: April 25, 2024

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Adopt the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination Act

Description: Adopt the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination Act

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: April 18, 2024

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Title: Adopt the Protection Orders Act

Description: Adopt the Protection Orders Act

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: April 18, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Change provisions relating to the duty to retreat when using force in self-defense or defense of another and provide for criminal and civil immunity

Description: Change provisions relating to the duty to retreat when using force in self-defense or defense of another and provide for criminal and civil immunity

Last Action: Indefinitely postponed

Last Action Date: April 18, 2024

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Title: Change provisions relating to handguns and firearms in school environments, classification of school districts, excessive absenteeism and truancy, the enrollment option program, certain educational certificates, permits, and endorsements, certain tax levy and bonding authority of school districts, requirements for various school and education programs, and the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act, provide for grants relating to school mapping data, prohibit certain debt collection activities, and provide requirements for the use of certain maps for schools

Description: Change provisions relating to handguns and firearms in school environments, classification of school districts, excessive absenteeism and truancy, the enrollment option program, certain educational certificates, permits, and endorsements, certain tax levy and bonding authority of school districts, requirements for various school and education programs, and the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act, provide for grants relating to school mapping data, prohibit certain debt collection activities, and provide requirements for the use of certain maps for schools

Last Action: Provisions/portions of LB1385 amended into LB1329 by AM2831

Last Action Date: April 25, 2024

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Title: Change provisions relating to possession of firearms in schools and authorize schools to provide emergency response mapping data to public safety agencies

Description: Change provisions relating to possession of firearms in schools and authorize schools to provide emergency response mapping data to public safety agencies

Last Action: Provisions/portions of LB1339 amended into LB1329 by AM2831

Last Action Date: April 25, 2024

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