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Republican Governor of Massachusetts Closes All Gun Stores
  Posted April 2nd, 2020 12:17 pm


Posts: 1,428

In an enraging turn of events, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker has closed the doors of gun stores and all federally licensed firearms dealers in the state. This comes as a reversal of his earlier policy, which aligned with the Trump administration’s guidelines calling gun stores 'essential.'

The Department Of Homeland Security announced on Saturday, March 28th that gun stores were considered 'essential businesses' and thus could remain open for business. Shortly thereafter,Republican Governor Charlie Baker updated Massachusetts's official Covid-19 guidance to match the current information from the Department of Homeland Security.

Gun owners and those who wanted to become gun owners were elated! They could still purchase a gun and ammunition if they wanted and didn't need to worry about being able to defend themselves.

But it wasn't to last. Just a few hours later, the wording allowing gun stores was struck from the official state website. Not all of the DHS's statement, which would have meant that the state was reverting back to their own standard. JUST the section on gun stores.

Republican Governor of Massachusetts Closes All Gun Stores